地址 香港寶馬山校園徑一號
電話 (852) 2510 7288
傳真 (852) 2512 5957
網頁 www.cis.edu.hk
設施 「漢基」坐落在寶馬山頂,周圍環境清雅,是衆多住宅小區和校園的集中地。整個校舍圍繞三個小操場一字排開,予人一種渾然一體之感。校園自 1991 年啓用,從這裡可以俯瞰美麗的維多利亞港海景和周圍的山景。


會藉資料 (HKD$)
Address 1 Hau Yuen Path, Braemar Hill, Hong Kong
Tel (852) 2510 7288
Fax (852) 2512 5957
Website www.cis.edu.hk
Facilities Chinese International School is committed to the achievement of academic excellence and is characterized and enriched by its dual-language program in Chinese and English. The mission of Chinese International School is to inspire students to a lifelong love of learning.
Membership Information (HKD$)
Please call up for details